My August 21 blog entry, "The Least Among Us," focused on an action by the executive branch of our government to adjust family income qualifications, so fewer children would qualify for free medical insurance provided by the various states.
Members of the clergy who are so inclined can sign an electronic petition to Congress and President Bush, addressing the President's threatened veto of renewed funding for this program. You can do so by
clicking HERE.
Those who are not members of the clergy can visit
www.coverallchildren.org, where you'll find information about a toll-free phone number (1-866-633-6432) that you can call, to send a message to your congressional representatives on this issue.
I received this from an organization called
Faithful America, which is affiliated with the National Council of Churches.
Here's a description of the purpose behind the petition:
"As people of faith we have a sacred obligation to protect our children, including making sure they have health coverage. The State Children's Health Insurance Program (known as SCHIP) has been a blessing to millions of children who would otherwise be uninsured. But SCHIP ends on September 30 and President Bush has threatened to veto legislation to renew the program. PICO invites clergy to add their names to a petition to Congress and President Bush calling for SCHIP to be renewed with adequate funding to reach five million uninsured low-income children. Please also encourage members of your congregation to call PICO's toll free Cover all Children Legislative Hotline at 1-866-633-6432 to make their voices heard on this critical issue for the faith community. For more information visit www.coverallchildren.org."Thank you.
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