Sunday, July 22, 2007

July 22, 2007 - "Undefeated" Video

This short, inspirational video was created by a cancer survivor, Melanie Briggs, during her time of treatment for locally advanced breast cancer. It expresses her thoughts about being not a cancer victim, but a cancer survivor.

Click on the picture to activate it:


Anonymous said...

even though you strongly suspected it I was still sorry to hear about your relapse. I'm glad there are so many treatment options open to you ... with new ones being developed all the time.

Best Wishes and our prayers,


Carl said...

Thanks, Wanda. I appreciate your positive thoughts, and of course the support of your prayers.

Kay said...

My prayers are with you. I, too, am glad to hear the various options that are open to you.....In the midst of your own relapse, you once again helped with an answer to one of my prayers.

Thank you for your post today. I "allowed" myself to rest after treatment today, lying in silence in quiet visualization of being immersed in God's love and prayer wanting to hear guidance, some concrete reassurance and opened your blog.......

God bless, Carlos. God is good. Kay

Rosemarie said...

heard about your relapse in church on Sunday...was very sorry to hear that. Good to know you have several options. My prayers are with you

Carl said...

Thanks, Kay and Rosemary, for the prayers.

Kay, I'm glad you found the blog helped you at a critical time.