Today is World Cancer Day. One of the simple facts about cancer, as we all know, is that early diagnosis is tremendously important. Sometimes it can mean the difference between life and death.
Yet even so, there are many people who have noticed something unusual or out of the ordinary about their bodies, but procrastinate on going to the doctor. Of the lump or mole or recurring pain they say, “I’m sure it’s nothing,” then go back to business as usual – until the next time, when they’re just about as likely to repeat the process.
Although I had none of these symptoms, myself, I did have a recurring sense that something wasn’t quite right, and felt led to ask our family doctor to check me for an aneurysm (something my father had experienced, and nearly died from). It was that ultrasound scan that revealed the presence of the large abdominal mass that was later diagnosed as lymphoma.

Know your risks. Call your doctor….What are you waiting for?
Learning about your family history and talking to a doctor about your daily habits can give you valuable insight into the steps you need to take, right now. It’s true – talking to your doctor about cancer can be scary, and many of us just forget to bring it up. But your health is important to me and that’s why I’m asking you to start the conversation now.

Want to nudge your friends to call their doctor? Drop the soda? Stop smoking? You can do it here.
So, I dare you. No – I double-dog dare you.
Lance is a true inspiration to millions of people for the courage he has shown to battle back from cancer.
I agree 100% and if your doctor won't listen or ignores you keep trying....go to other doctors. Mine was diagnosed as stage three till I finally got someone to listen and check out my complaints. You need to be proactive in your health.
I try my best to inspire the people around me to take control of their own health - both preventively and curatively. I work with ChiliTechnology and am a breast cancer survivor. A lifesaver for me was a mattress pad that cools (or heats) the bed: ChiliPad I wish they had one of these in every hospital. It was so essential for me because the chemo would make me alternately very hot, and then freezing cold - and I could adjust my bed using a remote control.
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