Today, a New York Times article informs me that the FDA has raised questions about the safety of both Procrit and its chief competitors, Aranesp and Epogen. Evidently, there’s new evidence linking these drugs to heart problems and premature death.
It’s not that the FDA is completely banning these medications, which have undeniable benefits in helping chemo recipients keep their blood counts up and avoid transfusions. The government regulators are just encouraging doctors to be much more cautious in prescribing them, avoiding them whenever there’s an alternative.
This story highlights the paradoxical nature of many cancer medications, including many of the chemotherapy drugs themselves. They cause immense difficulties for patients. Some of them are even possible carcinogens. Yet, using a complex, lesser-of-two-evils calculation, doctors have no choice but to prescribe them, anyway. It’s a roll of the dice, but a calculated one.

Last spring, I was fully prepared to receive Procrit or Aranesp. Dr. Lerner had mentioned these drugs to me as possible treatments, should the chemotherapy depress my blood-cell counts. Fortunately, I got through all six chemo treatments without having that kind of difficulty. If I hadn’t, though – and if I’d received Procrit or Aranesp – I expect I’d be reading this article today with a great deal more anxiety.
These drugs have been around for fewer than 20 years. Medical science is still working the kinks out of them – as is true of so many cancer treatments. It makes me wonder what unforeseen, long-term side-effects may emerge, down the line, from the treatments I have actually received.

We’re creatures of our time and place, no doubt about it. We cancer patients gratefully accept the treatments and medications we do receive – but, we also watch our backs, because who knows when an article like this one will come out, calling into question yesterday’s conventional medical wisdom?
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